a full service company specializing in making you look professional
Event Videography
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Our LGBT friendly Videographers will film your event and create stunning compilations, promo ads, social media content and more.
Music Video Productions
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Sickening Drag Performances can make your music video vision come to life. Here at Sickening Productions we are able to offer every aspect of a full production in-house
Remote Video editing
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Our editors have created dozens of awesome edits remotely made from footage sent to us from around the world during COVD-19. Check out our Instagram for some of our favorites, and message us to get started!
Studio Photography
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Our LGBT friendly Photgrapher will create Sickening portraits and artful edits from our central PA and Philly based Photography studios. Sickening studios' facilities are hi-tech and ready to serve up imagery like you've never seen.
On Location Photography
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Have our Photographer meet you at the location of your choice to get some Sickening stills
Event & Meet and Greet Photography
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Let us photograph your step and repeat or your entire event, we've captured moments from hundreds of events over the years.
Portfolio Website
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Have a Sickening custom landing page created by our web designers to showcase your newest photos, videos, events, and social media!
Custom website
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Sickening Drag Performances can make your internet presence vision come to life, we are able to offer every aspect of web design hassle free in a collaborative environment!
Shoppable custom Website
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Get a completely custom website, but with the added benefit of
Event Production
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Our LGBT friendly planners and designers create stunning environments, with lighting design and venue selection we are the best at getting your event together henny!
Touring Show production management
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Sickening productions is proud to present national tours of well known entertainers from all over, get your tickets now!
Technical Production Services
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Bringing in industry professionals from Atlanta, Los Angeles, and NYC, Sickening Drag Performances has the best and well-rounded technical team to create unparalleled production value in the LGBT niche. From lighting, video, sound, and FX, we know how to put on a show.